
We have had a number of windy days lately and although it is bitterly cold, it has made me dream of when windsurfing used to be a big part of my life. Since having kids, I have gotten out of shape and all my time has been focused on house, kids, jobs, etc.. Every now and then I have windsurfing dreams which, for me, are always the ultimate in happy dreams. There is no feeling like flying over the water with nothing but the wind as your wings and feeling the board dancing under your feet. So (sigh), I have vowed to get back in shape so I am able to once again live this experience.

My husband also windsurfs and this was one of the factors that brought us together in the first place. We both grew up on the Great Lakes where big winds and open waters abound, so the little lake we live on takes some getting used to. Unfortunately a good day windsurfing on the lake is a very rare occurrence. Here are some pictures of my husband a few years ago and some of me at the end.

The girls helping daddy prepare.

And he is off.

Wet hugs for a job well done.

And finally some pics of me a few years back. Not nearly as impressive but when I look at them they inspire me and remind me of what I used to do and strive to do again. 
Carpe Diem!