Skate ’till You Drop

Had a beautiful day yesterday. The -6° C felt balmy but cold enough to keep the ice in good shape. We skated until after dark, knowing the deep freeze was on it’s way again. Soon after we took our skates off for the night, the wind began to howl with the approaching cold front and so did the coyotes. What a wonderful lullaby to sleep to.


On The Doorstep Of Fall

Just thought I would post a few pictures from yesterday and today. The seasons definitely feel like they are changing. The air is crisper and clearer. The trees are on the brink of changing colour, and the animals are all very busy preparing for the winter.

Evening and dusk
Moon setting behind a cloud early this morning

Crisp, clear evening

Sunrise reflected on trees with morning fog

Saw the first otter since spring!

Heard what I thought was knocking at the door (apparently so did my dog because she started barking). It turned out to be this guy on the tree beside our house!

Love our bedroom in the fall…

…and the sparkling reflection of the water from the living room.

The trees are just on the brink of changing colour.

One thing about fall I can’t say I am fond of is it also means a rush to be prepared for the long winter ahead. Here are our wood piles in various stages of chopping.

Have You Ever Seen a Turtle Climb a Fence?

Over the last few mornings we have had a steady trail of snapping turtles climbing our septic bed to dig in the dirt/sand at the top and lay their eggs. This morning I noticed this one who had a different approach than the others. She seemed to be eyeing the vegetable garden instead.  Snapping turtle on it's way to the veg. gardenI took the above shots trying not to disturb her too much and when I walked back to the house, I turned around and saw her trying to climb the fence!Turtle climbing garden fenceOf course when I went back to take more pictures of her she acted like a statue again 🙂turtle trying to get into garden turtle trying to get into the gardenI never did see where she laid her eggs but I hope she had success somewhere!

Storms, Dragonflies and Goslings

Two days ago there was sweltering heat and this morning I have the fire on and it snowed again! Here are some photos taken two days ago on May 22nd. What a day!

First there were the storms, then sunshine and goslings followed by a special appearance by hundreds of dragonflies.

In the morning we had a brief but very intense storm. Here are some photos of the approaching storm.
Approaching storm 8:54:19 am

8:55:21 am

8:55:57 am

8:57:16 am

Rain sweeping across far shore 8:57:31 am


Rain moving in 8:58:01 am

may23_2013_5Wind and rain getting closer 8:58:34 am

may23_2013_6Holy (insert swearing)! 8:59:02 am

This is about the moment when I realized I am probably one of those people who will end up in a tornado because they are to busy taking photos instead of taking cover!

It seems Daisy knew how to take cover. I found her wedged in the corner of the laundry room.

A few minutes after the storm passed and my nerves settled, I noticed the pea-sized hail remaining on my daughter’s shirt which was left outside in the rain.


Later that day you wouldn’t even think it would have been possible to have had such a storm – other than the debris from trees scattered about. The weather turned sunny and steamy from all the rainfall and it was an incredible evening. The geese and their goslings sure seemed to enjoy it.

may23_2013_20 may23_2013_21 may23_2013_22 may23_2013_23


A little earlier in the day when I walked outside, I had noticed hundreds of dragonflies flying around and had to be careful where I stepped since they were in the process of transforming from nymph to dragonfly. They had just come out of their exoskeletons and were pumping their wings to prepare for their first flight. I find it a rare occurrence to catch that moment since it only seems to happen for a day or two and I was happy to see so many dragonflies especially since the mosquitos have been wicked lately!

Picture of dragonflies with their nymph exoskeleton (probably not the accurate term)
Beautiful wings which have not yet flown.

We noticed some of the dragonflies were on the ground in places where ants had found them and were trying to eat them, so the girls and I “rescued” as many as we could by gently letting them walk onto our hands and then relocating them to a safer place. may23_2013_13 may23_2013_14 may23_2013_15 may23_2013_16 may23_2013_17 may23_2013_18Gently blowing on its wet wings to help straighten them out.

After “rescuing” upwards of 20 dragonflies, I read this article which made me question if it was wise to let the girls hold them with bare hands. The dragonflies must not have felt threatened since they didn’t bite and I didn’t want to spoil the experience for the girls but perhaps a bite would have ruined it anyway. I would love to hear what you think. Was it the right decision to let them hold the dragonflies?

Have a wonderful weekend and wherever you are this weekend, I wish you no snow!